Honorary member 2011-16 of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF *) for outstanding research.
Systems and Information Sciences Lab LIS CNRS 7020 Univ. de Toulon, BP20132-83957 La Garde CEDEX-France
glotin (at) univ-tln.fr
Representation learning / Bioacoustics / Deep learning / Machine listening / Cognitive systems
Pi Passive Acoustics Monitoring in Antarctic PolarPod Expedition
(design array, online detect.)
Pi of ArcticFjord3D expedition, interdiscp. 12 experts x 2 weeks in arctic fjord monitoring,
Pi Int. Research Program CNRS with Chili and Argentina on cetacean survey, 100Ke
coPi FEDER intereg SeaStMar on whale anti collision with our Bombyx AI sonobuoy, 60Ke
CoPi European project TABMON Biodivera: AI for continental scale bird survey, 120Ke
LocalPi EOLMED, survey of Qair marine eolian parc, expertise on bio/acoustics, 100Ke
LocalPi PIA PSIBIOM on IoT for terrestrial fauna monitoring, 210Ke
Pi ADAPREDAT ARCTIC exped. bioacoustic marine megafauna, Interdiscp. MITI CNRS, 60Ke
LocalPi PIA TERRAFORMA on terrestrial fauna acoustic monitoring, AI group, 80Ke
LocalPi ANR ULPCochlea on spiking neural networks for bioacoustics, 120Ke
Pi european project EUROPAM Biodivera on marine biophony vs anthropophony, 120Ke
Pi of ANR Sylvania on Synchronized low power bioacoustical observatories, 120Ke
localPi of FEDER intereg. GIAS on whale marine traffic anti collision, Bombyx buoy, 220Ke
Pi of the national AI Chair in bioacoustics, ADSIL, ANR, 550Ke
localPi La Voix des cachalots, individual whale communication, WhaleWay & Mauritius, 60Ke
Pi BirdSurvey on 60 acoustic stations of Boreal region to StLaurent, Quebec, 200Ke
Pi SphyrnaOdyssey, DNA & Acoustics cetacean survey from surface drone, FPA2 EdM 600Ke
LocalPi CARIMAM (2021 then continued in CIAN): Carabeans passive acoustic network, 110Ke
Habilitation thesis:
"Information retrieval and robust perception Audio-Video-Lego", 2007.
Jury : Gallinari P., Jauffret C. , Barhen J., Bengio S., Merialdo B., Scholl M., Le Maitre J.
PhD thesis: "Adaptive Multi-Stream Automatic Speech Recognition : Harmonicity to Noise Ratio and Localisation cues", dir. Bourlard H. and Berthommier F., Jury : Schwartz JL., Haton JP., Meloni H., Crowley J., De Mori R.
"Elaboration et comparaison de systemes adaptatifs multi-flux de
reconnaissance robuste de la parole : incorporation des indices de
voisement et de localisation", 2001 PDF (10Mo for acroread) PS.GZ (7Mo).
ANR ANCL, Learning to read 2008-2010 [Co Pi]
ANR AVEIR, Web Image Auto-Annotation 2007-2009 [Co Pi]
Other in vision: ACI TCAN and ANR ANCL (2005-2009) on neurocomputationnel reading
Other in speech recognition: audiovisual VIA VOICE with IBM (2001), Cost 249,
fev 2006 - janv 2009 (+O. Papini Pr. CNU 27) PhD codir of N. Ben Aloui :
'Biometrie multimodale par parametrisation et fusion qualitatives' (CIFRE DCNS grant). Now ing. researcher @ DCNS.
fev 2007 - mars 2010 PhD dir of S. Fraihat :
'Representation parcimonieuse temps-frequence de la parole' (LSIS grant). Now Asso. Pr. Fac. of Inf. Technol., AL-Ahliyya Amman Univ., Amman, Jordan.
oct 2007 - 2011: PhD dir of F. Caudal-Benard :
'Trajectographie temps-reel par acoustique passive et analyse des emissions de mammiferes marins' (REGION + Chrisar Software grant).
oct 2010 - sept 2013: (+P. Giraudet CNU 69) PhD dir of R. Abeille (USTV grant):
'Multipulsed biosonar robust decomposition, application to whale authentification'
nov 2011 - dec 2014: (+J. Razik, O. Adam Pr CNU 61) PhD codir of Y. Doh:
'Bioacoustique robuste embarquee' (Region PACA)
dec 2012 - oct 2015: (+F. Chamroukhi) PhD dir of M. Bartcus (Ministery grant):
'Unsupervised Bayesian learning for large scale scene analysis'
oct 2015 - dec 2019 : (+M. Asch, Pr CNU 25) PhD dir. of Julie Patris (STICAmSud grant):
'High Perf. Comput. for 3D finite element bioacoustics (SPECFEM3D) https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d'
oct 2017-oct 20 : Phd dir M. Ferrari (Dir, Codir M Asch):
Biosonar : an AI approach'
jan. 2018-dec. 20 : PhD dir. of M. Poupard
'Multiscaled bioacoustics'
oct 2018 ...: Phd Dir of P. Best
'Intelligent sonobuoy with Emb AI for bioacoustics'
oct 2020 ... : PhD dir. J. Jenkins with Y. Ourmieres and A. Paiement
'Vortex forecasting by AI'
Current PhD :
(+)Multimodal AI, (@) machine listening, (&)AI Bioacoustics :
L. Lenhoff 2024; A. Deverin @ 2025; S.Chavin* & 2026 ; L.Berkenbaum*& 2026 ; J. Girardet* & 2027 ; N. Deloustal * & 2027; G. Patenotre* & 2028. S Viera 2026
(in french and english):
AI for robotics, master ROC (2019-24)
Advanced AI, master DID (2019-24)
Traitement automatique de la parole
Télécom (master 2008-15), Transcription de documents numériques (master 2008-12),
Recherche d'information (master 2008-12), Biométrie / Bioacoustics (2003-07; 2013-21), RI dans documents
audio-visuels (master 2008-15), Theorie de l'information (master 2008-12,licence 2018-23), Graph Theory (licence 2006-17), Data Sciences (formation Ing. CNAM 2016-), Traitement du Signal (formation CNAM 2016-).
and Master Erasmus Mundus MIR
and Master ROC
* What is IUF ?
(find details on IUF web site) : The mission of the Institut universitaire de France is to promote high quality research, and to strengthen interdisciplinary projects. The members are selected by 2 separated international juries, ... none of the laureates can be co-opted. The evaluations of the juries are based on the scientific work (innovation, interdisciplinary projects, international reputation, and the hability of the applicant in developing a project of quality). IUF member status represents 2% of the tenures of french universities.